Friday, October 30, 2009

Herman The Merman

Sorry I haven't been blogging, but I've been pretty busy, what with the musical and homework and everything. And I only have study hall every other day... so yeah. Anyways, here's Part 2 of my story :) Enjoy!

I opened the box slowly, not sure what to expect. The confetti and card was nice, but what if this was all a trap? There were some people out there trying to capture me, that I knew. And my sister too... Oh well. If I didn't open this box, it was going to haunt me for the rest of my life. I just knew it.

I gently tore off a corner of the paper. Nothing exploded, made a loud noise, or gave off radiation... so I guessed it was okay. I dove into the rest of the box eagerly, throwing paper and cardboard everywhere. When the melee had finally calmed down a bit, I peeked inside. GUESS WHAT IT WAS. A PLATYPUS. There was a freaking PLATYPUS in my house!!! Another card was attached to it's neck with a loop of string, but this one just said "Herman the Merman". I had no idea who this Herman the Merman was. Maybe he was the guy who sent this present to me. Maybe I was supposed to find him... but who cared? I had a platypus!!! Hmmm... first things first. Was my platypus a boy or a girl? I had to think up a name, as well. Being very careful not to prick myself with the poisonous barbs at it's knees, I turned it onto it's back. Well, what do you know? It was a boy.

However interesting that was, I still needed a name for him. I glanced around, looking for inspiration. I tended to not be very imaginative when it came to names, so I usually named my pets after things in the room I was currently in (I once named my dog Cabinet). My gaze got caught by the name on the card that was around his neck. Herman the Merman. It had a nice ring to it, and was way more creative than anything I could ever come up with. Herman the Merman it was.

I set Herman down so he could explore his new house. He was actually pretty curious, sniffing at everything. He even "marked his territory" once or twice. I was going to have to fix that. Then my sister came down. Trea glanced at the platypus, looked at me, and said "I haven't had my coffee yet, have I?" "Nope," I replied, smothering laughter. Trea always looked insanely odd when she was transforming from angel to devil. Especially when she hadn't brushed her hair yet.

Herman squeaked suddenly. I looked down to see his sharp little teeth gnawing on the bathroom wall. I sighed. This was going to be a long day.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

This Is A Completely Made Up Post. Have Fun!

Yesterday. A day I will forever remember fondly. Why, you ask? Well, I'll tell you.

It started out normally enough. I was sleeping in my bedroom. All of a sudden, my ninja clock went off. It started to karate chop me and beep shrilly. I finally found the snooze button, after chasing it all around the room, it's maniacal laughter audible throughout the house. I walked into my sister's room to find her still asleep in her cage. She was such an angel when she was asleep. Literally. She had a halo and everything. It was only when she was awake that the red tail snaked out of her back, twitching eagerly, and the horns materialized in her thick, curly dark hair. Red and brown actually wasn't such a bad combination...

I went downstairs, leaving the devil-child to her usual dreams of maiming people and stealing their souls. Everything in the house was already awake, and angry. My dog barked at me, sending his golden coins all across the room as he made for me to give me a big sloppy kiss. The toaster oven was sighing again. "Clara, must you insist on having that frightful alarm clock? It always startles me out of a peaceful sleep, and then I cannot perform properly. I insist you get rid of it this instant!" All across the kitchen the appliances and animals were agreeing... heartily. "Hey, hey, you guys!" I managed to calm them down, somewhat. "The ninja is one of us too. Be nice, will you? Remember when you first came here? Remember how everyone else welcomed you into the family, and was nice to you, and now look. You're all friends. Think of how the ninja feels. The minute I bring him home you are all suspicious because he's not a "classic" like you! Just because he's not twenty years old doesn't mean he isn't as good. We need to make him feel welcome."
Everyone agreed, reluctantly. I shook out my hair, feeling it snap into it's usual position after a troubled sleep. I tried to comb it with my mind, but I could only get the left side tamed before I got dizzy. I guess the mental effort was more than it seemed. Oh well. I grudgingly took the hair brush offered to me by my cat, and wandered into the bathroom. That was when I got my first surprise of the day, though it certainly wasn't my last.

On the rug, between the Jacuzzi and the sauna, was an enormous present, wrapped in gold paper that reflected the daylight. Practically blinded, I groped around for the card to see who it was for. Finally finding it, I opened up the modest card, which was just a manila square folded in half. Opening the thick, creamy paper, I was suddenly showered in confetti. I opened my mouth to gasp in surprise, but the confetti went it it immediately. This was my second surprise. The little pieces of (seemingly) paper floating around were edible! They tasted delicious, like raspberries and sweet cream. No, it was more like the best ice cream in the world now. And now it was pizza. The flavors just kept changing.
When my head had cleared enough to remember where I was, I looked down at the card. No longer the plain manila it had been before, it was now covered in swirling, moving pictures. They were simple ink drawings, but I think that's what made them beautiful. The card was addressed to me!

Come back tomorrow to find out what happens... and what is with that huge golden box?

Yes, that is a shameless attempt to get more people to read my blog. I just hope it works. XD

Say What??

So right now I'm in study hall, after being on vacation for a week and then in the hospital yesterday. Why was I in the hospital? Let me tell you.

So as it turns out I have congenital scoliosis, which means that I've had scoliosis ever since I was born. If that's the case, you'd think it'd take the doctors less than FOURTEEN YEARS to figure it out, huh? Apparently I have an extra bone in my back, which is causing the scoliosis, and 20% of people who have that extra bone (wait... I'm not the only one?) have a heart anomaly (way to be specific there, doc). Looks like I might be one of those lucky 20%.

Anyways. So I was in Boston yesterday. I had a pretty good time. I worked on my coat (yes, I'm knitting it) and listened to a book on tape for much of the day. My appointment was at 2:00 at the Children's Hospital, and it took maybe two hours. It wasn't too bad, but it was pretty uncomfortable. I was mollified, however, by the fact that I got to watch Grease (one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE MOVIES) while she was taking pics of my heart and pulse.

Then I went back home, had my flute lesson, took a shower and went to bed. Just another exciting day in my extraordinarily exciting life. Now I'm chatting with my friend Shelby. While blogging. Wow. You know what? I'll make it up to you. Pretend that this post is not here, and I'll post another, completely made up one so you can read something worthwhile. Kay? :D Good.